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  16년 02월 IFT Newsletter | 중국 Jinan TV가 선택한 ...
 작성자 : 최고관리자
작성일 : 2015-01-06     조회 : 19,452  
 관련링크 :  http://www.infortrend.com/global/Support/SuccessStories/Content/61 [8474]


중국 산둥성에 위치한 문화와 교통, 산업의 중점도시  제남 (济南, Jinan)  방송국에서

제작 및 편집 시스템을 구축할 스토리지로 인포트렌드 EonStor DS 와 EonNAS 시리즈를 선택하였습니다.  

JNTV finds the perfect media & entertainment solution with Infortrend storage systems


Jinan Television (JNTV), a Chinese television station known for its popular TV news and programs, entrusted Infortrend storage systems‘ high performance and easy integration, as the perfect solution to meet all its storage requirements from ingestion and editing, to creation and broadcasting.

In order to deliver the best service to its audience, JNTV deploys the latest technologies, such as multiple DNS Satellite News Gathering (SNG) vehicle and state of the art newsroom, as well as digitally storing news for better editing and broadcasting. However, with their TV show portfolio growing by the day, their data growth was exceeding expectations.

Understanding JNTV's requirements, Infortrend provided them with storage systems offering full compatibility with their existing equipment and expansion demands. For general editing, EonStor DS 1016 with its high read/write performance and ability to handle multiple demanding media workstations with ease was the perfect choice. With the goal to achieve 24x7 non-stop playback, the program contents are stored in Infortrend systems combined with MDC (Windows server serving as client storage for read/write).

이 곳을 클릭하시면 Jinan TV의 자세한 석세스 스토리를 확인하실 수 있는 페이지로 이동합니다.